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Defang allows you to configure your application using environment variables. You can set environment variables in your compose.yaml file, or in your Pulumi program.

Sensitive Config Values

The Defang CLI allows you to securely store sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and other credentials. To do so, run:

# Set a configuration value called API_KEY
defang config set API_KEY

You can use sensitive config by specifying them in the environment section of a service in a compose.yaml file without any value, or by specifying an environment key with a null value in your Pulumi code.

Either one of list notation or map notation is acceptable for defining your environment variable(s). See below for an example of each.

With List Notation

image: image1:latest

With Map Notation

image: image1:latest

Use the defang config command of the Defang CLI to manage the values.


You can find a sample of how to set sensitive config values here.


If you are using the 1-Click Deploy option, you can set sensitive config values as secrets in your GitHub repository and the action will automatically deploy them for you. Learn how to manage config values with the Defang Github Action.


Environment variables are set within the environment section of a service in a compose.yaml file. Any variables declared here will become available within the service container.

Variables can be set by assigning a literal value, a reference to a configuration value, or a mix of literal and variable references. Variable references are declared using either ${variable_name} or $variable_name forms. It is recommended to use the bracketed form. By interpolating over variable references within a string we can construct complex strings. Interpolation may be particularly useful when constructing connection strings to other services.

- USER_PASSWORD // configuration variable
- USER_NAME // configuration variable

In the example above, if we assume the value of the configuration variable USER_PASSWORD is password then the value assigned to CONNECT will resolve to

During defang compose up all variable references will be replaced with the actual value and made available in the container. If any referenced variable is not found the defang compose up command will be canceled.

Using Config with Pulumi

In Defang, using config with Pulumi gives you the advantage of being able to manage your environment variables across different environments using Pulumi stacks.


You can find a sample of how to set environment variables with Pulumi here.

Connecting Services

If you have created a service before a secret you can connect it by running the defang compose start command if using the defang compose workflow. If you are using the Pulumi-based workflow you will need to redeploy using Pulumi.


Here are the different ways sensitive config values are stored depending on the provider you are using:


Please note that while Defang supports setting sensitive config, it does not support the secrets top-level element as seen in the Compose specification. Please see our Compose page for more details.